Help Reunite Mother & Child Torn Apart by Family Court
Help Reunite Mother & Child Torn Apart by Family Court
Case Story
I am fundraising for my sister and my niece who cannot be named for legal reasons and family court rules of confidentiality. My sister and her beloved daughter, my niece, have been ruthlessly torn apart by UK Family Court. My sister is about to be made homeless via the Court system. My sister met and started a family with this ‘charming’, intelligent man. Then things turned ugly progressively where she was subjected to severe psychological abuse, emotional abuse, gaslighting, coercive control until she did not recognise herself anymore. Finally, the relationship came to an end in 2015 and she thought she was finally free of the abuse. She was wrong! He began post-separation abuse by proxy by taking her to Court to remove their only child and to remove the child permanently from her mother, from the United Kingdom, from her cousins, grandad, uncles and aunties, from all of us, and from the only family that she has! As my sister was a brilliant mother, and the Court could find no fault with her parenting and care of her daughter, and they were intent on separating mother and child, they permitted her abuser to hire and pay a psychiatrist to write a fraudulent report that my sister was mentally ill when she was not so that they could use that as grounds to remove her child. My brave sister went to her GP to request an independent Psychiatric evaluation via the NHS and the result was clear that my sister had no mental health issues whatsoever. They ignored this report and blocked it from being filed to Court. And very swiftly removed the child and whisked her off to Canada and then off to the US. The child was only 7 years old! The little girl is heartbroken, is now very limited when she can see or speak with her mother and is now subjected to her father’s abusive streak. Who would take a little girl from her loving mother in such a vile and despicable way?
How You Can Help
My sister’s ex-partner has now obtained yet another Court Order, this time, to evict my sister so that he will no longer be required to bring her little girl for visits in the UK. So, we are desperate, and we need your help to fight to stop my sister being made homeless as that is the only chance, she has left to be able to see her daughter a few days a year. We are therefore pleading with your to kindly donate whatever you can so that my sister can instruct a solicitor to appeal the repossession Order and keep the roof over her head. And then be able to fight for the return of her daughter, my niece, back to the United Kingdom. No amount is too small or too large please. Give whatever your heart leads you to give so that justice can be served please. Thank you.
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